Plein Air Paintings - Horseshows, Equestrian Landscapes and more

Dog paintings are back. And more to come. Some cows and foxes. Thanks for your patience. Most of the paintings on this page are either commissions or paintings that have been sold. Sorry, but I will be updating this page and adding more, so check back. Also check out my recent paintings page for dogs and animals


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Oil Painting of Heidi Oil Painting of Boxer, Princess Sophia Oil painting of Norfolk Terrier, Murphy
boykin spaniel at Blowing Rock oil painting Corgi Deep River Oil Painting Corgi Rosie Oil Painting S Filarsky
Hurricane Wire Haired Fox Terrier Oil Painting Oil Painting Dogs on Porch S Filarsky

Jack Russell Terrier Oil Painting S Filarsky

Border Collie Oil Painting S Filarsky jack russells rose mount horse show oil painting s filarsky Rufus at James River Hunt Oil Paintng S Filarsky

Oil painting of terrier Murphy

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 This portrait of Murphy, a Australian Terrier was painted on 5 x 7 pintura canvas panel. The client had a photo with this wonderful expression, but it was taken indoors and his colors were all wrong. We used another photo taken outdoors to get the correct lighting and colors


Oil Painting of Boxer, Sophia

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 Princess Sophia is an 8 x 10 oil on canvas. She came to us at a show for her photo shoot.
Click here to see another painting of her


Oil Painting of Heidi

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Portrait of Heidi
8 x 10 Oil Painting

Boykin Spaniel at Blowing Rock oil painting

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I just saw your painting and started to cry.  You have captured her friendly and mischevious spirit exactly.  Thank you, thank you, thank you--this will take place of pride in our home.

Susann Powers

Boykin Spaniel at the Blowing Rock Horse Show
8 x 10 oil painting on canvas
Commissioned painting

Corgi Deep River Oil Painting

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block1 Yogi the Corgi at the Deep River Farms barn in Blowing Rock
9 x 12 oil painting on canvas
Collection of Frank and Vivian Willard

Corgi Rosie Oil Painting

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Another Impressionist Study of a Corgi. Rosie making sure you don't leave without her.
Collection of William Schaub

Hurricane Wire Haired Fox Terrier Oil Painting

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Hurricane, a wired hair fox terrier, guarding the sidewalk.
8 x 10 Oil on Canvas, Commissioned painting


Oil Painting Dogs on Porch S Filarsky

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A painting of 4 dogs, 3 are here now, one is gone.
11x 14 Oil on Canvas Collection of Aynsley Fisher


 Jack Russell Terrier Oil Painting S Filarsky 

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Maggie in the golf cart
8 x 10 Oil on Canvas Collection of Pam Baker


Border Collie Oil Painting S Filarsky

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This painting of a border collie was done from a number of old photos. She had been abused as a puppy and other than photos of her looking away or photos of her half hidden, there was one photo of her in a field, taken from probably 100 yards away which I was able to use for this painting.  8 x 10 Oil on Canvas Commissioned Painting


jack russells rose mount horse show oil painting s filarsky

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Jack Russells at the Horse Show.
9 x 12 Oil on Canvas Collection on Winn Alden


Rufus at James River Hunt Oil Paintng S Filarsky

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A quick impressionist oil sketch of Rufus. Laying by the back door of Coffee Design at the James River Horse Show. Collection of Pam Hayden


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 Steve painting at the Devon Horse Show

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Foxes and Cows

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